Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's already Wednesday...

...and I'm just now posting about our weekend? (while fighting with a two year old that he has to pick up his puzzle pieces that he threw all over the room before he can go downstairs and play XBox 360 with his Daddy and Brother!! He's being kind f funny about it though. When he thinks I'm not looking he tries to sneak off down the stairs but I catch him everytime which leads into another round of "Don't wanto clean up's"!!)
But I digress...

This weekend was crazy busy as usual but fun! We went to a fabulous 30th birthday party for our friend Kelly!! It's always fun to catch up with friends that you just don't see often enough. The boys had a blast running around down the basement and Charlie just made himself at home with all of the upstairs toys. We weren't in the house more than 30 seconds when I looked and Charlie was intermixed with all of the other kids and the toys!

Here's a picture of me with some fabulous girls...!

Kelly, Jeanelle, Tracee, Me

And here's a picture of Charlie, Jon-Jon, Cole and Jake watching Cars at the end of the night! What a couple of crazy two year olds (except of course Jake who is three!) And the host-child was already in bed fast asleep so unfortunately not involved in the picture!
So then on to Sunday. We went to a clambake at Grandma and Grandpa Johnson's house. I'm so mad that I forgot to pack my camera. There were some great picture opportunities of Nicholas (and sometimes Charlie too) playing football with Uncle Rick! Thank you Uncle Rick for keeping the boys so entertained all night. They had a great time. And we had a great time too. The food was excellent and Debbie even pursuaded me to try some clam chowder which I must say I thoroughly enjoyed! Even had a second serving!
Well that's it for now! I guess I have to go help Charlie pick up some puzzle pieces considering he hasn't even started. I guess we'll get this done together!!

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