Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Student of the MONTH!!!

Nicholas is the Student of the Month for his class for the month of October! I am so proud I can't stand it! I think I actually scared him I got so excited when I found out! I just feel like this is such a big honor considering it is only the second month of school. His teacher had one month to get to know all of her students and she picked Nicholas to be student of the month! How cool is that!!! S his picture and a questionaire that we had to fill out will be displayed outside of his classroom for all of October. I think he's supposed to have lunch with the pricipal too but since he doesn't eat lunch at school I'm not really sure how that works!

Here are his answers from the questionaire that was sent home...

At school I like to...write numbers and go to music, art, library and gym.

I like to read about...the book "Where's the Apple Pie".

My favorite sport is...football.

On the weekend I like to...play with my toys.

My friends and I like to...ride bikes.

I laugh when...I see a silly face and when I get tickled.

I get mad when...the Brown's lose.

When I'm alone I like to...play with my Silver Surfer toy.

My family and I like to..Play Wii...together.

I would like to travel to...Kalahari...someday.

Someday I would like to learn how to...play football.

I'm beaming...BEAMING!!! (that's for you Vicki!!)

Friday, September 26, 2008

No More TV!!

So on my continuing quest to keep Charlie away from the TV (which he turns into a zombie while watching...especially during Super-Why!) I've been trying to keep him interactive. This morning we ventured over to the new Chick-Fil-A with brand spankin' new indoor play area (read...no sticky, grimy, never-been-cleaned play area!) with Jacqui and her son Jimmy from down the street. Boy did these two year olds have a good time. They had the whole place to themselves and kept climbing and sliding and running the whole time. It was really cute to watch and really cute to hear two little boys talking to each other.

Here's a picture of the two crazies. I took about 15 pictures but this is the only one where I actually got both of their faces.

So from there we ventured over to the grocery store. A sugar cookie for Charlie and I was able to do most of my shopping with out any complaints and "go homes" from him.

While shopping I found some little pumpkins and figured it might be a fun afternoon project for the boys to paint them. Well as soon as Nicholas got home from school and saw the pumpkins he wanted to paint them right away. After arguing with him that we had to eat lunch first (and actually eating!) we were able to paint the pumpkins. It was fun but REALLY messy. At least I caught Charlie all five times before the finger with the paint on it went into his mouth!! Here's some pictures of the boys painting and their finished product.

Nicholas' finished project...
Charlie's finished project...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Potty training and two wheelin"

So the newest thing in our life is potty training Charlie and Nicholas learning to ride a two wheeler. Nicholas picked up riding a two-wheeler pretty quickly and now he rides all over the place. He's still having a little trouble starting and stopping but he'll get it. Stopping consists of riding his bike into a grassy section and jumping off. It's amazing how many times I find his bike three feet off the driveway and wonder how in the world it got over there. As most of you know, he has some friends in the neighborhood and I just thought it was the cutest thing when our doorbell rang and three little five year olds were standing asking if Nicholas could come out and ride bikes. I mean...he was just born yesterday wasn't he. How is it that he's riding a bike and going to school already.

School is the other major thing going on in Nicholas' life. So far it's going well and he's coming home with stickers on his behavior chart every day. We went to meet the teacher night and she only had great things to say. That's my boy!!!

And then there is Charlie! My little handful. We're working on potty training but not progressing very far. We're back in diapers again full time and we'll try again in about two weeks! He is doing it but it's just a matter of wanting too. He's great naked but you put underwear on him and forget about it!! I've started taking him to story time at Border's and Barnes and Noble to try and get more structure in his life. He'll be beginning preschool next fall and I'd like him to be able to sit still and listen by that time. Today at story time, Ms. Wendy read a book called "Go Away Monster". Charlie was quite intrigued until she got to the third page. At this point the monster gets teeth. When she showed the picture, Charlie jumped off the bench and ran quickly to my side. He spent the rest of the book sitting in my lap where the big green monster couldn't hurt him! It was really cute and the rest of the parents their couldn't help but laughing!

Otherwise, Charlie is a lot of fun. He loves being outside and likes riding his big boy bike all over the neighborhood trying to keep up with Nicholas. I'll post some video of him with his big hockey helmet on peddaling away!

Anyway, that's about it for my first post. Hope this isn't too boring for you and I'll update again when I can. Thanks for reading!

I figured why not!

So it seems like everybody else is doing this blog thing so I figured why not me too! I have so many videos and pictures that nobody gets to see and I figured this might make it easier. Plus...since I love to brag on my boys so much I either forget to tell everybody or tell the same person the same story multiple times, so now you can check in here to see what's going on with my "Crazy Kindergartener" and my "Terrific Two-Year Old" (I was gonna say terrible but he's so not!!)

I'll get to my first post soon!