Here's a picture of the two crazies. I took about 15 pictures but this is the only one where I actually got both of their faces.
So from there we ventured over to the grocery store. A sugar cookie for Charlie and I was able to do most of my shopping with out any complaints and "go homes" from him.
While shopping I found some little pumpkins and figured it might be a fun afternoon project for the boys to paint them. Well as soon as Nicholas got home from school and saw the pumpkins he wanted to paint them right away. After arguing with him that we had to eat lunch first (and actually eating!) we were able to paint the pumpkins. It was fun but REALLY messy. At least I caught Charlie all five times before the finger with the paint on it went into his mouth!! Here's some pictures of the boys painting and their finished product.
Nicholas' finished project...
Charlie's finished project...
LOVE the new blog!! I'll be so excited to check it daily for new updates now :)
~Aunt Kelly
I'm so excited you started a blog. This is a great way to get a glimpse of your life especially since I moved away. Don't forget to check out my blog from time to time. I have found it difficult to update it frequently but I will try to post more often. Miss you.
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